Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mission to Maua # 9

The Volunteers in Mission team is here!  At least they are in Kenya, but not yet in Maua.  We are expecting them to arrive around 6:30 this evening – twelve members of the team from Texas.  Leading the team is Kathie Mann, a woman Roger knows from his General Board of Global Missions days.  While here they will build a house for an AIDS Orphans family, to be dedicated on Thursday!  When I asked how they could possibly build a house in four days, I was reminded that it will be a simple two room, wooden house, no electricity, no plumbing, that will blend in with the neighboring houses.  The foundation is already poured; they just need to construct the house.  Team members not working on the house may work in the Medical Store where all of the hospital medicines and supplies are kept.  

Roger and I are looking forward to meeting them and to accompanying them to Sunday School and church tomorrow.  We’ll be attending the Swahili service, which is very lively, longer, and has great singing.

The remaining three suitcases of medicines and equipment that we brought with us are now unpacked, stored, entered in the computer, and available for use by the hospital.  Dr. Claire, director of the Medical Store, wanted to wait until she was available to go over the supplies with Roger and enter them in the computer at the same time; today was the first opportunity.  Roger held back the specific supplies he will be using for teaching and serving on the wards for the next two weeks, but otherwise, the thousands of dollars of the medicines and equipment we brought with us from Pocatello are now safely catalogued and stored here for use by Maua Methodist Hospital. 

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